Linkery: Horse Master (the game of horse mastery) / gaminggreatness
Linkery: Powerful Photos Show War Through the Eyes of Children / photography, war Brian McCarty’s WAR-TOYS is a photographic series that recreates children’s memories and fears of conflict in the Middle East with toys.
Linkery: If it looks like a slippery slope, and sounds like a slippery slope… / In 2011, BT was ordered to block access to Newzbin2, a Usenet archive. “It’s the first time BT has been ordered to use its Cleanfeed porn-blocking system to block non-pornographic content,” I wrote at the time. “It won’t be the last…”
Apparently magic will save books
On this page I intend to prove that the bookshop, or library, uniquely challenges the normative thinking which dulls our reason and clouds our souls.
‘And by “prove” I mean “offer a handful of loosely connected anecdotes that demonstrate nothing at all.’
Also worth noting: when Holmes was bored he used coke. He didn’t hit up the library.
Seriously, if the future of the industry depends on “the magic of books”, we’re all fucked.
Today's Links
Linkery: Someone’s been siphoning data through a huge security hole in the internet / sec, tech
Linkery: Study: no adequate substitutes found for rare metals used in smartphones / future, tech, doooom
Today's Links
Linkery: The 40-Year Slump
Linkery: [Hacking in Singapore: Messiah complicated The Economist](http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2013/12/hacking-singapore?fsrc=rss) / society, weird
Cyberlibertarians’ Digital Deletion of the Left
Technological innovation does not inherently promote the Left’s goals. The digital revolution, we are told everywhere today, produces democracy.